Competitor Analysis

Current “learning with text” software applications fall under two broad categories.

One category includes long-standing open source projects that are well received but sparsely maintained, or newer free applications that started with a bang, but were quickly forgotten and subsequently neglected.

The second group of applications are commercial solutions that address the goal of language learning with text, but suffer from feature bloat, lack of user friendliness, or mobile performance issues.

Alexandria would like to become the go-to solution for language learning enthusiasts. Through keeping the product free and open source, we aspire to continue developing product features that are crucial to language learners, while maintaining a joyful user experience based on the latest technological offerings.

Existing Free/Open Source Software Alexandria Commercial Products
Interactive front-end user experience
Open Source
Ongoing Development
Responsiveness to Community Input
Phrase Selection

Our main objectives at the initial stage are to: create a modern, fast, open source webapp with a mobile-friendly interface. This will allow users to quickly and easily start learning without struggles with the interface, or excessive wait times for content to load.